Longer Contacts listed in People Searches by Company
Sue Rhoades
It would be helpful to see more than 10-12 contacts per screen page when doing People Searches for a company. Would like an option to see 30 or 50 at a time when a search delivers longer lists. This would make it easier to sort through titles and the various columns.
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Cody Pawlowski
Hi Sue, I'm going to mark this as complete as we've make these updates to People Search. Please feel free to add another comment or post if you feel we didn't address this entirely.
Cody Pawlowski
in progress
Hi Sue, following up on this, there are now more contacts displayed on lists. Alumni lists are still limited to 10 due to how that data is processed. Did these changes address your issue?
Cody Pawlowski
under review
Cody Pawlowski
Thank you, Sue! Are there any other columns/information that you would like to see on the People table? These would also be sortable.
Sue Rhoades
Cody Pawlowski let me ask our team of users next Weds, and then I'll get back to you.
Cody Pawlowski
Sue Rhoades Much appreciated! My team is now reviewing this submission.